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20th Oct 2020
CryptoAltum Research Team

A Technical White Paper Authored by Cardano’s IOHK is Highly Ranked by Google Scholar 

The Cardano Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm paper dubbed Ouroboros, authored by the chief scientist of Cardano’s IOHK has been referenced 183 times and is the second most cited paper under Google Scholar’s Cryptocurrency and Blockchain category. 


Cardano’s development is research-led and every code is thoroughly vetted by the technical and quality wing of the blockchain, the IOHK. The team is led by the co-founder, Charles Hoskinson. The ranking from the Google Scholar just shows how deep Cardano as a project is rooted in research and their determination to contribute towards blockchain and cryptocurrency development through sound research and pure innovation.

Impact on the ADA Price: 

Neutral to Bullish. Cardano and IOHK are known for their thoroughness. Before the launch of the Shelley mainnet and staking, they repeatedly delayed its launch explaining their goal of delivering quality over a weak broken meant to guard the millions worth of value. This recognition highlights their technical prowess and capability over competing networks.

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