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EOS Explained

What is EOS?

EOS is an Ethereum competitor using a delegated Proof-of-Stake (dPoS) system incorporating 21 super validators called Block Producers created by Dan Larimer. The smart contracting network is relatively energy-efficient and is known for its high processing speeds and scalability. The network is suitable for deploying dApps on a commercial scale and has a web tool kit for the fast creation of dApps. EOS is the network's native currency. 

Why Trade EOS?

EOS is a popular smart contracting platform for deploying high power and intensive dApps in a low-cost and scalable environment. The network's network fees are relatively low, explaining why EOS is a popular destination for gaming projects. EOS is available for trading at CryptoAltum. New traders will receive a 100 percent deposit bonus and trade EOS versus BTC and other liquid assets with zero commissions and low fees from the familiar MT5 trading platform.

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  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020