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Monero (XMR) Explained

What is Monero (XMR)?

Monero is one of the first cryptocurrency networks and the first to integrate full anonymity features. It remains open-source and powered by a Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm while leaning on complete decentralization. In Monero, all transactions are opaque as the network can satisfactorily conceal the identities of senders and recipients using techniques such as Ring Signatures and Stealth Addresses. 

Why Trade XMR?

The Monero network is the most valuable privacy-centric network. Its primary value proposition stems from the ability of users to send transactions with guarantees of total anonymity in a fully decentralized and secure network. CryptoAltum has, from 2019, supported the trading of XMR and is open to all global users. Traders can open long and short positions while accessing high leverage of up to 100X via the MT5 trading platform.

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  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020