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The 6 Steps of the Trading Process

You’ve just created your account at CryptoAltum. Now you’ve got the hopes and dreams of becoming the best trader and getting the profits rolling in. However, you realize you don’t know the fundamental knowledge to actually make a trade, well, have no fear! We at CryptoAltum will be explaining to you how a trade is made from the initial discovery to the end result of closing a trade. So buckle up and read on!

Former US Treasurer: Ripple has Utility

Rosie Rios, a currency designer and a former U.S. Treasurer, thinks XRP—unlike other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin—has true utility. In Rosie's view, most cryptocurrencies are speculative assets. Although most act as currencies, holders rarely use them as intended.

Monero Launches a Trustless P2P Mining Pool

The developers of Monero, a privacy-centric cryptocurrency and a leader in its category, have activated a trustless p2p mining pool. Unlike centralized cryptocurrency mining pools, a P2P pool is free to join and depends on the wider community for improvements.

Bitcoin Bans Client Operators from Mainland China

In a new twist, and perhaps to put an end to the never-ending ban of Bitcoin by Chinese authorities, a Bitcoin developer has taken it upon himself to code a script that bans any operators from mainland China from downloading Bitcoin's client.

Bitcoin Must Hold above $42k to Validate Uptrend

It is a battleground for Bitcoin traders at the moment. While there have been flashes of strength, Bitcoin is under immense pressure at the time of writing. One trader notes that it is vital for BTC bulls to sustain prices above $42k.

Ethereum Hash Rate to Take a Hit with SparkPool Shut Down

It is chaotic being a crypto operator in China right now. In an effort to go green, China is clamping down on all cryptocurrency activities, including trading and mining.

JP Morgan: Institutional Investors Dumping Bitcoin for ETH Derivatives

There is a shift ongoing. In a note to investors, JPMorgan reveals that institutional players—or the deep-pocketed—are pivoting away from Bitcoin derivatives settling for ETH products.

Bitcoin is a Nobel-winning Asset for Diversification

Bitcoin is a perfect asset for diversification, an Economist piece notes. The copy states that Bitcoin moves independent of other asset classes—referring to the stock market, bonds, etc.

45 Percent of Crypto Owners in the US Take Celebrity Endorsement Seriously

As it turns out, most crypto owners are gullible. They would blushingly likely invest in a crypto asset simply because a celebrity endorses it. Think of Kanye West or Kim Kardashian backing a periphery asset that then pumps due to the paid promotion.

Are Bitcoin HODLers Helping Pump Prices?

On-chain analysis now links HODLers' activities to steadying and firmer prices. According to GlassNode, long-term Bitcoin holders, also known as HODLers, have been, in recent weeks, exiting their multi-year positions and immediately buying, steadying, and even pumping prices higher.

What are Ring Signatures in Monero?

Monero is one of the most liquid and earliest cryptocurrencies. While Ethereum and Bitcoin have considerable market share, leaders in their category, Monero, choose privacy coins. The platform is designed to be completely anonymous. As such, transactions cannot be traced by third parties.

PSV Dutch Football Club is the First European Heavyweight to Hold BTC

Institutions, governments, and millions of individuals across the globe hold Bitcoin. PSV, the Dutch footballing giant, has BTC in its balance following the club's partnership with Anycoin Direct—a Bitcoin exchange.
showing 3 of 21 entries
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