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Stellar Lumens (XLM) Explained

What is Stellar Lumens (XLM)?

Stellar Lumens (XLM) is the native token of the Stellar Network, a high throughput blockchain created by Jed McCaleb—who is also behind Ripple's XRPL and its solutions. Stellar Lumens might have the same mode of operation as Ripple. However, their codes are different, with Stellar being more decentralized. XLM is released by the Stellar Development Foundation—a non-profit. Their primary objective is to promote financial access for the millions of the unbanked population by keeping transaction costs at a bare minimum while remaining completely decentralized. 

Why Trade XLM?

The Stellar Foundation is a non-profit organization whose objective is to bank the majority of the world's unbanked population. They have, over the years, posted success, partnering with IBM. XLM is also very liquid and listed by many exchanges, including CryptoAltum. Unlike others, CryptoAltum supports high leverage of up to 100X. Furthermore, traders enjoy low fees and zero commissions. All new traders also receive a 100 percent welcome deposit bonus.

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