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General Questions

What is the CryptoAltum partners program?

The CryptoAltum partners program allows you to introduce traders and earn a commission based on the volumes that they trade.

What is an Introducing Broker (IB)?

How do I sign up as an Introducing Broker (IB)?

Do I need to send KYC documents when I sign up?

What is your commission?

What are the potential earnings from the partners program?

How can I withdraw my earnings?

Do you have any minimum withdrawal amounts?

Is there a minimum number of clients I need to refer before I can make a withdrawal?

Is there a minimum time trades need to be open for in order to generate commission?

What is a referral link?

How do I generate my referral link?

Do you offer any marketing materials?

Do you provide support to an IB working offline?

Do you offer a Master IB program?

Do you offer MAM accounts?

Do I need to have a website to join your partners program?

How many clients can I bring as an IB?

Can I see the list of clients who have signed up under my referral link?

Do you offer reporting tools?

How do I change my personal details?

Risk Disclosure: Trading cryptocurrencies or any other financial instrument involves a significant level of risk and may result in a total loss of your investment. You should consider carefully whether investing in Bitcoin or any other instrument offered by CryptoAltum is appropriate to your financial situation. CryptoAltum only accepts deposits in Cryptocurrencies. By trading with CryptoAltum you acknowledge your understanding of this risk disclosure and your agreement with the Terms and Conditions.

This website is not directed at any jurisdiction and is not intended for any use that would be contrary to local law or regulation.

CryptoAltum does not accept any clients under the age of 18. 
  • Copyright Techcraft Ltd (CryptoAltum) 2020