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Important XMR Upgrade Information

On May 19th, 2022, EOS Mendel 3.0 hard forks will be activated. The team at ClarionOS will fork the EOSIO codebase into a brand-new repository, which has been nicknamed Mandel. The Mandel name is a stand-in until a wider unanimity among all of the EOSIO powered blockchains can be attained.

The initial version of Mandel is going to be 3.0 and it’ll be originated from EOSIO 2.0 while selecting several of the most important developments from both EOSIO 2.1 and EOSIO 2.2. The following two new hard forks will be introduced on Mandel 3.0: Enhanced Configurable Blockchain Params and Contract Pays. Moreover, the Configurable WASM Limits hard fork will be selected from EOSIO 2.1.

The EOS pairs will continue to be offered to our clients provided that our liquidity providers continue to offer pricing and execution. There is a possibility that the EOS pairs will go to Close Only mode for some hours during the process.

Please keep in mind that traders will only be able to close the open (existing) positions under the Close Only mode.

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